Named the top business and technology podcast by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts at the 24th Annual Communicator Awards.
Listen to AE Marketing Group CEO’s conversations with today’s most innovative executives and entrepreneurs. Hear practical advice and insight on technology, customer experience, co-creation, marketing, employee advocacy, and more.
Conversations Include
Tom Vanden Berk UCAN’s CEO on The Brand Lab Series™ Ep 8 UCAN Chief Executive Officer Tom Vanden Berk back again as our special guest on Episode 008 on the Brand Lab Series™ Podcast. Your host Brian Walker talks with Tom Vanden Berk about how non-profits operate at the highest level when marketing efforts are truly aligned. Tom discusses how to overcome a significant brand failure and brings insights into developing mission and brand awareness in non-profits.
Tom Vanden Berk UCAN CEO on The Brand Lab Series™ Ep 7 UCAN’s CEO Emeritus Tom Vanden Berk is our special guest today on Episode 007 of the Brand Lab Series™ Podcast. Your host Brian Walker talks with Tom about how unique branding for non-profits requires a high level of focus.
Mike Wolfe Zorch’s CEO on The Brand Lab Series™ Ep 6 Zorch CEO Mike Wolfe is back again this week on Episode 006 of the Brand Lab Series™ Podcast. Your host Brian Walker talks with Mike this time about how ZORCH creates and manages merchandising plans for large companies. ZORCH’s approach is to bring a completely unique and different solution. Being a new company allowed them to find a way to handle an archaic process through becoming a purely tech enabled efficient producer. Linking buyers with manufacturers directly allows ZORCH to supply a high-quality product at the lowest price.
Mike Wolfe Zorch’s CEO on The Brand Lab Series™ Ep 5 Zorch CEO Mike Wolfe is today’s special guest on Episode 003 of The Brand Lab Series™ Podcast. Your host Brian Walker takes a closer look at managing metrics, growth, and ROI from your marketing dollars with Mike Wolfe. By creating buzz through differentiating themselves and using tactical initiatives, ZORCH has been able to develop brand awareness in a niche B2B industry.
Todd Connor Bunker Labs’ CEO on The Brand Lab Series™ Ep 4 In episode 004, Brian Walker continues his interviews with Todd Connor CEO of The Bunker Labs. The Brand Lab Series™ Podcast is proudly brought to you by AE Marketing Group. The Bunker Labs is a not-for-profit organization that serves as a network for military veterans to facilitate entrepreneurship. Brian Walker and Todd Connor discuss their experiences in working with founders and business success.
Todd Connor Bunker Labs’ CEO on The Brand Lab Series™ Ep 3 The Bunker Labs CEO Todd Connor is today’s special guest on Episode 003 of The Brand Lab Series™ Podcast. Your host Brian Walker interviews Todd Connor on how the Bunker Labs is appealing to young military veterans by providing a network of support to help them grow their businesses. With rich programming, a thriving network, and a brand that is bigger than just a marketing function, the Bunker Labs has been able to rapidly grow into a national brand.
Brian Walker AE Marketing Group’s CEO on The Brand Lab Series™ Ep 2 AE Marketing Group CEO Brian Walker talks with co-host Natalie Pyles on episode 002 of the Brand Lab Series™ Podcast. Brian discusses the power of co-creation on consumer engagement. The CoCreation Lab Series™, founded by Brian, is all about designing products, services, and experiences with your customers. Co-creation brings meaningful insight into the consumer market, helps strengthen brand loyalty and empowers employees.