Named the top business and technology podcast by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts at the 24th Annual Communicator Awards.
Listen to AE Marketing Group CEO’s conversations with today’s most innovative executives and entrepreneurs. Hear practical advice and insight on technology, customer experience, co-creation, marketing, employee advocacy, and more.
Conversations Include
How can you modernize an industry that is 50 years behind? Find out from Base4 Hotels CMO, Blair Hildahl, on the Brand Lab Series™ podcast.
How does agency life differ from brand life, especially within the Csuite? Find out from Mediafly CMO, Isabelle Papoulias, on the Brand Lab Series™ podcast.
Everyday there is news story about a data breach, hacking, ransomware, phishing, and more. Sagar Pandya, Co-Founder of Middleground IT, explains cybersecurity and ransomware in a digital age.
The commercial security division of Honeywell is using IOT, facial recognition, and cognitive computing to protect not just what matters, but what matters most to us.
The definition and enforcement of Intellectual Property has changed a lot in the digital era. How can companies best protect themselves?
Today's consumers are digitally empowered, which changes how brands interact with consumers. And, although financial services is a highly regulated industry, consumers have come to expect a seamless technological experience.
In the healthcare industry, which has historically low customer satisfaction scores, the Chief Experience Officer is a new but vital role.