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Giving a Brand ExperienceDecember - 2013


Wrapping up 2013 Giving Week, AE Marketing Group is reminded of a lesson we often teach – Brand is not an ad campaign, rather a combination of internal and external forces that create an experience.

It’s that experience you create that defines everything about why you do what you do vs. defining what you do.  Think about that for a minute.  Are you marketing an Insurance Plan? Hernia Repair? Service? Technology? Policy? Car? Education? Food? Drug?, etc. If you answered yes, you are going about it all wrong.

We are often hear, “I am not sure what AE Marketing Group is.  Are you an agency?”  The simple answer could be yes, but the company is so much more.  Our brand was built on embracing chaos, breaking down barriers and giving to causes bigger than us.

We stay true to our brand every single day, not just during our annual giving week.   Without that authentic commitment, we are white noise, just another agency trying a gimmick to sell someone something they don’t need.   So ask yourself – Are you marketing your authentic brand?

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