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The Halfway Point of 2015July - 2015

If you’re anything like us, you may be asking yourself at this very moment, “How on Earth is summer – not to mention, 2015 – already half over?”

Perhaps that feeling is simply a product of getting older. Maybe it’s due to today’s digital world moving along at warp speed. Or it could just be the fact that lately every day in Chicago seems to evoke a different season.

Whatever the case, the fact indeed is that we are now here in July. And so at this date, what did the first half of 2015 look like for AE Marketing Group?

  • Record revenue with 37 percent increase over the same period last year
  • 18 consecutive quarters of profitability
  • 100 percent customer retention

Speaking of our customers, here a few other highlights from the first half of 2015 that are worth noting:

This spring, Network Health Chief Administrative Officer Penny Ransom joined AE Marketing Group’s Chief Executive Officer Brian Walker to present on how co-creation engages consumers and empowers employees at the 2015 Insight Innovation Exchange Conference.


In June, Branding Magazine explored the challenges and opportunities for non-profit brands, featuring UCAN.



Lastly, Goldman Sachs selected AE Marketing Group for its Small Business 10K Program.

So, while the first half of the year may have flown by, it’s been a great one so far for AE. And as we look toward the remainder of 2015, we’re excited to see what the next several months bring for our customers, our community and our company.

In the meantime, we hope the summer weather decides to stick around for a while.

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