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The Comcast “Call from Hell”November - 2015


Comcast CEO, Brian Roberts, told the Fortune Global Forum today “We’re going to make customer service our best product.”

Don’t confuse customer service with customer experience. 

Every touch point and communication experience today creates both an opportunity and risk for brands. The best organizations embrace this chaos and see their brands as greater than any ad campaign or product.

Brand transcends every facet of an organization – sales, marketing, operations, product development, customer care, finance, point of sale and more.   Comcast’s “Call from Hell” reminded everyone of this harsh reality.

As Harvard Business Review  correctly notes the culprit here is not so much the customer “care” representative at Comcast, rather the brand culture and organization itself. Believe it or not that rep was likely just doing his job.

This “keep our customers at any cost” mentality, actually has the exact opposite effect on customer loyalty. Perhaps this is why Comcast ranks #2 on the Customer Service Hall of Shame.

Let’s hope Comcast will change their ring tone.



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